City Chats are virtual forums in which residents can talk with each other about timely and relevant topics in local government.
We often draw on the knowledge of local experts to support and participate in these conversations.
We always share useful links, visual aids, and other resources that empower individuals to engage outside of our events.
City Chats have been virtual since their inception, to increase accessibility and safety during COVID.
With their growing popularity, we hope to start offering some in-person options over the next year.
Q&A on ARPA Request Process, Sunday, March 19, 2023
Watch Councilor Vincent Piccirilli, Chair of the Budget and Fiscal Oversight Committee, explain and then field questions on the City's ARPA proposal process. Review the slides
ARPA Opportunities in Watertown, Sunday, January 22, 2023
What is ARPA
What can the money be spent on
How have other municipalities used their money
Breakouts for brainstorming
Speakers: Jared Knowles, Founder and President of Civilytics, and District D Councilor Emily Izzo, Vice Chair of the Budget & Fiscal Oversight Committee
Two related presentations from the BFO Informational Forum:
Rules and Allowable Uses of Funds, by Clifton Larson Allen
How other municipalities have been spending their money, by Manager Proakis
Revising Watertown's Comprehensive Plan, Sunday Oct 23, 2022
An attendee-driven Q&A and conversation with 3 experts from the Planning Advisory Committee and the Community Development & Planning Dept.
Learn more here about the Watertown Comprehensive Planning process.
Guests: Councilor John Airasian, City Planner Gideon Schreiber, and PAC member Dan D'Amico
Towards a Human Rights Commission, June 12, 2022
What HRC's do and how they work
Efforts to develop an HRC to meet Watertown's needs
How Watertown develops and approves ordinances
The ordinance development process for the HRC
Guests: Councilors Caroline Bays, John Gannon, and human rights advocate Xin Peng